In some ways there is guilt and shame around wanting to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, loose skin, acne, burns, scars etc. Perhaps it's because there is an element of vanity in it. I think there's also this misconceived notion that once your skin has changed, stretched, marked, loosened, that it cannot be reversed or improved. Like a cheap pair of pants when the waist line goes, it cannot bounce back.
But what about bouncing forward? (Check out Tiffany Halls inspiring TED Talk here) Sure your skin won't ever be exactly the same as before you had a baby or lost a significant amount of weight. But the key thing to remember is that the skin is a living organ. Constantly shedding and renewing the skin cells that you visibly see.
When working on any health goal with my clients I encourage them, and you, to look at your body like a recipe book. And whatever you want to create, you just need the right ingredients and tools. So let's look at the ingredients needed to heal and regenerate the skin.
Collagen is a trendy word right now and some companies are charging big bucks for this widely available nutrient. Collagen is the foundation of skin, it's what gives it elasticity and provides structural support for the skin. Sources include: animal protein, mainly the skin, bones and joints. Having bone broth daily is an easy way to get your daily dose.
Zinc is an essential nutrient for wound healing via increasing hydroxyproline. It can help prevent stretch marks and reduce the appearance of them.
Sources include: egg yolks, beef, pumpkin seeds, ginger, oysters and seafood
Vitamin C
Is an important co factor in collagen production, a necessity for your body in making its own collagen.
Sources include: Broccoli, capsicum, kiwi fruit, citrus, berries, inca berries, cauliflower, raw cabbage
Vitamin E
Shown to reduce wound healing time and have antioxidant properties when used in conjunction with Vitamin C and Zinc.
Sources include: spinach, beet greens, silverbeet, avocado, olive oil, nuts & seeds
It's also important to approach skin healing from two angles;
Internally: What you put IN your body; food, supplements, water
Externally: What you put ON your body; creams, lotions, soaps
To put this into practice start by including a variety of the above nutrients via their foods sources into your diet daily.
- 1/2 cup of bone broth with dinner
- 1 cup of sautéed greens with eggs for breakfast
- Berries in your protein shake or as a snack
- Lemon in your water first thing in the morning
- Nuts & Seeds as a snack or for extra crunch in your salad
Externally, look for skin care products made with real whole ingredients and preferably organic. My favourite brands are Weleda, RAWW Cosmetics and MooGoo Skin Care.
One handy tip is to get a Vitamin E capsule (must have oil inside), pop it open and you can spread the oil straight onto the affected area; in particular scars and stretch marks.
Supplementation can also provide incredible benefit where nutritional deficiencies and increased demand is apparent. To get this assessed book in a nutrition consultation with myself or trusted practitioner.
Now it's your turn! Do you have any natural skin care remedies that you use at home? Share them below!
Happy Day!