Clinical Nutritionist
For the past 15 years I've been on a journey towards Food Freedom & Empowerment. Learning and moving through an eating disorder, emotional eating, binge eating, anxiety, depression and trauma to come to a space where I feel in control of my food choices and habits.
I get what it feels like to be face deep in a tub of ice-cream to quash the feelings of loneliness.
I've been the person that pulls into the store at 11pm to buy chocolate because I can't move past the craving.
I've spent lonely nights consuming copious amounts of granola and cereal just to feel some sort of physical pain, in order to avoid the emotional pain.
I get it.
It's rough.
But it doesn't have to be this way.
There is a space on the other side where you're no longer attached to food, or consumed by thoughts of it.
There's a space where your brain is free to think about things other than your weight, the food, what's next.
There's a space where you feel empowered, in control and untethered.
And let me tell you what it feels like:
- Powerful
- Spacious
- Free
- Flexible
- Joyful
Come with me along this journey of discovering what your Food Freedom & Empowerment Path feels like.
I can't wait to see where it takes you <3
What's Involved:
This 8 week program is designed to assist you in improving your relationship with food and yourself.
Learn to understand and grow through food habits and behaviours that are holding you back from living your life, enjoying the present moment and achieving the way of being you desire.
This process will involve introspection, meditation and exploration of yourself, your diet and your lifestyle in order to create positive change.
What's Covered:
- Introspection and Deep diving into your food habits, emotional connections to food and behaviours around food
Science behind food and it’s affect on your physical body.
- How food is manipulating your brain
- Learn how to break free from the emotional connections with food that keep you bound to them in times of emotional stress and trauma
- Learn how to affectively process your emotions instead of the ice-cream tub.
- Connect with an intimate group of women on the same journey.
- Learn how to understand what your body truly needs and desires
- Learn how to affectively manage stress
- Learn how to detach from the emotional rollercoaster of food habits, associations and dependancy.
What’s Included:
8 Weeks of Mentoring including 5x online group sessions
2x 1:1 60 minute Sessions Options to purchase additional
Educational Content and Video's to support your Food Freedom Journey
Nutrition Education to empower your food choices
Private Facebook Messenger Support
Private Facebook Group
Recipe and Healthy Food swap content
All session recordings you keep for life!
There is so much more involved in this mentorship that I cannot express in words. The true transformation comes through deep connection and the ability to tune into your needs in our mentoring sessions.
This journey is an intimate one that requires particular attributes, and as such isn't for everyone. If you're feeling the pull and the below resonates... you could be invited along on this mentoring journey if you are:
Someone who knows that on some level they can detach from the hold food and emotional eating has on them…but doesn’t fully know the path to get there.
Someone who realises that Someone whose willing to dive in and do the inner work, mentally and physically
Someone who loves to be challenged to grow, pivot and change
Someone who will look at the "mistakes" "failures" and ask the question: What did I learn from it?
Someone who supports and lifts others
Someone who is willing to be vulnerable
Someone is open to dropping the internal judgment, be kind and gentle with themselves whilst on this journey
Someone who asks for guidance and support when needed
Food Freedom & Empowerment Mentorship Program